Physicians Realty Trust CEO Sees Pick-Up in Medical Office Transaction Volume
11/25/2020 | by Sarah Borchersen-Keto

John Thomas, president and CEO of Physicians Realty Trust (NYSE: DOC), participated in a video interview in conjunction with Nareit’s REITworld: 2020 Annual Conference.

Physicians Realty Trust is a pure-play medical office REIT, Thomas explained, and almost all tenants have been fully operational since May. Rent collection stands at about 98-99%, he added.

“Medical office is still attracting a lot of capital and a lot of investment…transaction volume has been picking up,” Thomas noted. He added that cap rates are about the same level as they were before March.

“We’re starting to deploy some capital ourselves…setting up a good pipeline for 2021,” Thomas said.

Thomas also commented on the REIT’s inaugural ESG report, released this summer. “We’ve met and exceeded a lot of the initial goals we set, and we’ve set some ambitious goals going forward,” he said.