ULI Greenprint Focused on Lowering Real Estate Emissions 50 Percent by 2030

Micah Brill, vice president of the ULI Greenprint Center for Building Performance, joined REIT.com for a video interview at NAREIT’s 2017 Leader in the Light Working Forum at the Hilton Austin in Austin, Texas.

Started in 2009, the ULI Greenprint Center focuses on reducing the carbon footprint of existing buildings and has set a goal of lowering real estate industry emissions 50 percent by 2030, Brill said.

Brill discussed the latest Greenprint Performance Report, which included data for approximately 6,000 properties. Brill said the report underscored the international scope of the data.

“Environmental performance is really touching every market,” he said.

The report also highlighted the growing cooperation between property owners and tenants, Brill said. Although the real estate industry has collaborated with tenants in the past, there hasn’t been the organizational focus that exists today, he noted.

“That’s something that we’re seeing throughout the whole industry…it’s such a driving force behind sustainability,” Brill said.