01/23/2019 | by

Nareit’s ESG Forum 2019 is on track for record attendance. ESG (environmental, social, and governance) issues are increasingly becoming a focus for REIT executives—and investors. In a 2018 U.S. Nareit Member Survey, 70 percent of respondents saw an increase in ESG reporting requests from investors between 2016 and 2017.

The ESG Forum provides a venue for REIT executives to hear directly from investors about their perspectives on reporting, discuss challenges and opportunities with ESG in the REIT industry with peers and experts, and advance the sustainability conversation.

Highlights from this year’s program include:

  • A panel of investors from LaSalle Investment Management, J.P. Morgan, and APG Asset Management will discuss their views on ESG reporting and performance in the REIT industry.
  • During the JumpStart Track, attendees will get step-by-step instructions for implementing a tactical resiliency plan. They'll also hear directly from peers about their firsthand experience with the GRESB reporting process.
  • ESG Forum attendees will learn how climate change can affect the bottom line and get the investor perspective on strategy relating to climate change risk. They'll also learn more about the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures.
  • Attendees will also hear inspiring case studies, participate in concurrent table sessions, and have plenty of networking opportunities.

Learn more about the ESG Forum here.

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